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current projects

  1. PRINCIPLE Trial - Platform Randomised trial of INterventions against COVID-19 In older people (PRINCIPLE trial)
  2. RAPTOR COVID-19: rapid test diagnostic evaluation in the community
  3. ATHENA - Can taking amitriptyline tablets, stop long term pain from shingles?
  4. ALABAMA study: ALlergy AntiBiotics And Microbial resistance
  5. Pharmacist-Prescriber-Partnerships to track and optimise antibiotic prescribing for acute cough in publicly funded primary care clinics in the Cape Town Metropole (PRINS Study)
  6. CHRONICLE Study - Using a child’s antibiotic history as a data-enabled brief intervention to optimise antibiotic prescribing in children with acute respiratory tract infections in general practice
  7. Value-Dx: The value of diagnostics to combat antimicrobial resistance by optimising antibiotic use
  8. ADVANCE: Advancing and evaluating a breakthrough Diagnostic interVention for Acute uriNary traCt infection
  9. Feasibility cohort study on predictors of diagnosis and prognosis of urine infection in care home residents: DIagnoSing Care hOme UTI Study
  10. CUTI: Cranberries for Urinary Tract Infections
  11. PHILA: Point-of-care HIV viral Load testing in a community Antiretroviral therapy programme in South Africa
  12. SHAPE: Strengthening HIV Health systems through Audit & Programmatic data Evaluation in South Africa
  13. AIDAH: Assessing Implementation of Differentiated Care Adaptations to HIV Services During COVID-19 in South Africa
  14. Platform Adaptive trial of NOvel antiviRals for eArly treatMent of COVID-19 In the Community (PANORAMIC)
  15. ECRAID PRIME: European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases – PRIMary care adaptive platform trial for pandemics and Epidemics
  16. Improving prevention and management of infections in areas with higher deprivation.
  17. DiAlS QUAL - Digital alerting to improve sepsis detection and patient outcomes  in NHS Trusts: a qualitative study’ link here
  18. Experiences and Challenges with Recurrent Vulvovaginal Thrush in Primary Care: A Qualitative Study
  19. Impact of duration of antibiotic therapy on effectiveness, safety and selection of antibiotic resistance in adult women with urinary tract infections (DurATIon-UTI trial).
  20. TOUCAN: plaTform fOr Uti diagnostiC evAluatioN
  21. Unmet needs in cellulitis diagnosis and treatment: Understanding healthcare professionals’ knowledge and experiences
  22. DEFINE Determining the Effectiveness of an online FeNO-guided asthma management INtervEntion in primary care
  23. Is blood eosinophil count a risk factor for development of airways disease in later life? A matched case-control study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink.
  24. Pre-clinical airways disease – screening, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment (pilot observational study on early detection of Type II inflammation in healthy individuals)
  25. Novel medical diagnostic technology in patients presenting with acute illness to an interface care setting: platform diagnostics study (AIMTech (Acute Illness Medical Technology Evaluation) pilot diagnostic study of acute breathlessness in ambulatory care)
  26. Shared decision-making and antimicrobial stewardship in secondary care: exploring opportunities along the Start Smart then Focus patient pathway
  27. Management of asthma in primary care in the changing context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative longitudinal study with patients