current projects
- PRINCIPLE Trial - Platform Randomised trial of INterventions against COVID-19 In older people (PRINCIPLE trial)
- RAPTOR COVID-19: rapid test diagnostic evaluation in the community
- ATHENA - Can taking amitriptyline tablets, stop long term pain from shingles?
- ALABAMA study: ALlergy AntiBiotics And Microbial resistance
- Pharmacist-Prescriber-Partnerships to track and optimise antibiotic prescribing for acute cough in publicly funded primary care clinics in the Cape Town Metropole (PRINS Study)
- CHRONICLE Study - Using a child’s antibiotic history as a data-enabled brief intervention to optimise antibiotic prescribing in children with acute respiratory tract infections in general practice
- Value-Dx: The value of diagnostics to combat antimicrobial resistance by optimising antibiotic use
- ADVANCE: Advancing and evaluating a breakthrough Diagnostic interVention for Acute uriNary traCt infection
- Feasibility cohort study on predictors of diagnosis and prognosis of urine infection in care home residents: DIagnoSing Care hOme UTI Study
- CUTI: Cranberries for Urinary Tract Infections
- PHILA: Point-of-care HIV viral Load testing in a community Antiretroviral therapy programme in South Africa
- SHAPE: Strengthening HIV Health systems through Audit & Programmatic data Evaluation in South Africa
- AIDAH: Assessing Implementation of Differentiated Care Adaptations to HIV Services During COVID-19 in South Africa
- Platform Adaptive trial of NOvel antiviRals for eArly treatMent of COVID-19 In the Community (PANORAMIC)
- ECRAID PRIME: European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases – PRIMary care adaptive platform trial for pandemics and Epidemics
- Improving prevention and management of infections in areas with higher deprivation.
- DiAlS QUAL - Digital alerting to improve sepsis detection and patient outcomes in NHS Trusts: a qualitative study’ link here
- Experiences and Challenges with Recurrent Vulvovaginal Thrush in Primary Care: A Qualitative Study
- Impact of duration of antibiotic therapy on effectiveness, safety and selection of antibiotic resistance in adult women with urinary tract infections (DurATIon-UTI trial).
- TOUCAN: plaTform fOr Uti diagnostiC evAluatioN
- Unmet needs in cellulitis diagnosis and treatment: Understanding healthcare professionals’ knowledge and experiences
- DEFINE Determining the Effectiveness of an online FeNO-guided asthma management INtervEntion in primary care
- Is blood eosinophil count a risk factor for development of airways disease in later life? A matched case-control study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink.
- Pre-clinical airways disease – screening, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment (pilot observational study on early detection of Type II inflammation in healthy individuals)
- Novel medical diagnostic technology in patients presenting with acute illness to an interface care setting: platform diagnostics study (AIMTech (Acute Illness Medical Technology Evaluation) pilot diagnostic study of acute breathlessness in ambulatory care)
- Shared decision-making and antimicrobial stewardship in secondary care: exploring opportunities along the Start Smart then Focus patient pathway
- Management of asthma in primary care in the changing context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative longitudinal study with patients