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professor Carl Heneghan: Academic Career

I graduated from New College, Oxford in 2000. In 1995 I attended the first Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine course while a medical student at Oxford. This led to a 24-year teaching career that has included teaching EBM at undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the University of Oxford Medical School. In 2005 I qualified as a General Practitioner, and in 2009, I graduated a second time with a DPhil (Oxon) from New College.

I became Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in 2010, and as a clinical epidemiologist I have gained expertise in conducting systematic reviews (see the Tamiflu systematic review as an example); and I lead an NIHR SPCR Evidence Synthesis Working Group, which is a collaboration of nine primary care departments that produce high impact reviews.

My work also includes investigating drugs and devices, advising governments on regulatory evidence, and working extensively with the public and the media.  Investigations have included assessing the evidence for sports drinks, IVF 'Add-on' treatments, metal-hips, screening, surgical mesh, medical devices, and hormone pregnancy tests. I am a regular contributor to Radio 4 Inside Health and have developed with the BMJ a regular instructional podcast: Talk Evidence, and regularly podcast my talks on iTunes to download

I am also a  clinical advisor to two UK All Parliamentary Party Group on Surgical Mesh and Hormone Pregnancy Tests, and A founder of the AllTrials campaign. In 2018 I was awarded NIHR Senior Investigator status. As a GP, I work in the out of hours setting in Oxford and Abingdon.