Year 3: Final Honours School
Final Honours School (FHS)
For students undertaking the standard six-year medical course, their third year affords the opportunity to undertake a research project. This contributes to the Final Honours School (FHS) phase of their degree. The Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences offers a broad range of FHS projects, reflecting the diversity of the Department’s research interests.
Students choose their project during their second year. For students interested in working with one of the highly rated research groups in the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, please contact the UG Team at: during Year Two.
Learning with Patients 3
The Learning with Patients 3 course allows students to follow the same patient(s) over the course of an academic year, building their communication skills, developing their reflective practice and promoting understanding of the patient perspective. The course is supervised by GP tutors and there is termly seminar-style teaching on key themes. The course is optional, but will become mandatory for all Year 3 students from 2027.