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learning with patients years 1&2 Course

The Learning with Patients (LwP) course provides early clinical contact for students in Years 1 and 2. Whilst the overall curriculum concentrates on the biomedical sciences during these years, this course gives invaluable opportunity for students to meet patients, talk to them about their medical problems and consider the impact of illness on their lives. It is taught by GP tutors in practice and covers subject areas such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental health. There are currently five sessions in Year 1 and four in Year 2. There are also supplementary lectures.

undergraduate medical statistics module  (Years 1 & 2)



Descriptive statistics 

The Normal distribution 

Statistical inference 

Comparing two groups 


Analysing categorical data `



Study design and topics preparatory to critical appraisal 

Non-Normal data  

Linear regression 

Graphical methods 

The Year Two module also contains a computer practical to show how to implement the methods covered using statistical software.