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Research groups
Emma Ladds
MBBCh MA(Oxon) MRCS MPH MRCGP PGCert Med Ed PGDip Health Res CPA Narrative Medicine
Emma works within the Interdisciplinary Research in the Health Sciences Group. She studied Medicine at the University of Oxford and then completed Academic Foundation Training in Bristol before starting training in plastic and reconstructive surgery in Oxford. In 2017 she was awarded a Frank Knox Fellowship to complete a Master's in Public Health at the T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University before returning to Oxford. She is currently a part time partner at Eynsham Medical Group and is undertaking a Wellcome Trust funded DPhil.
She has an interest in narrative medicine and stories as well as social and community interventions within primary care. Her ACF work evaluated a Connecting Communities initiative and she was part of a team that explored the lived experiences of long Covid. She still has an interest in this area and is involved in a study exploring changes to the metabolome in long Covid patients. However her main research interests focus on the therapeutic relationship and continuity in primary care and how these have altered with the introduction of remote and digital approaches to care and wider changes around working patterns and workforce within general practice.
In her spare time she loves trail running with her dog and landscape painting.
Recent publications
What is quality in long covid care? Lessons from a national quality improvement collaborative and multi-site ethnography
Journal article
Greenhalgh T. et al, (2024), BMC Medicine, 22
Challenges to quality in contemporary, hybrid general practice: a multi-site longitudinal case study.
Journal article
Payne R. et al, (2024), Br J Gen Pract
'Were you Dad's doctor?'
Journal article
Ladds E., (2024), The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 74
Patient safety in remote primary care encounters: Multimethod qualitative study combining Safety i and Safety II analysis
Journal article
Payne R. et al, (2024), BMJ Quality and Safety, 33, 573 - 586
Working knowledge, uncertainty and ontological politics: An ethnography of UK long covid clinics.
Journal article
Greenhalgh T. et al, (2024), Sociol Health Illn