Contact information
Teaching and supervision
I am a supervisor and provide pastoral care to students on the MSc in Translational Health Sciences, MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care and DPhil in Primary Health Care programmes.
My current DPhil students are carrying out research on the relationship between smoking cessation and recurrence of cardiovascular disease and mental health outcomes, and the cultural tailoring of smoking cessation interventions. I also supervise Medical School undergraduate and postgraduate student projects.
Rachna Begh
PhD, MRes, BSc
Deputy Course Director, MSc Translational Health Sciences & University Research Lecturer
I am Deputy Course Director of the Translational Health Sciences MSc programme and a mixed-methods research lecturer. My interests lie in tobacco addiction and smoking cessation interventions, and I have expertise in developing and delivering randomised controlled trials and conducting evidence syntheses.
Research interests
My research focuses on the delivery and evaluation of brief interventions and pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation in primary care. Although there are effective treatments to help smokers stop smoking, many are unwilling or unable to quit. My goal is to develop novel and effective ways of delivering brief interventions for smoking cessation and identify ways in which we can improve communication between patients and practitioners.
In 2014 I was awarded a PhD in Primary Health Care Sciences from the University of Birmingham, which was funded by an NIHR doctoral fellowship to examine novel approaches to smoking cessation (attentional retraining for attentional bias in smokers).
In 2016 I was awarded an NIHR postdoctoral fellowship to lead a programme of work examining the effectiveness of GPs and nurses giving brief advice and offering an e-cigarette to smokers with chronic illnesses who were unwilling to stop smoking. I led a randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness of the approach compared with usual care, on reducing smoking and encouraging smokers to quit (the 'MaSC study'). This work included an embedded qualitative interview study on patients’ and practitioners’ perspectives on e-cigarettes, and a study using conversation analysis of recorded consultations to understand how practitioners delivered the brief intervention and how patients responded to it.
I am currently involved in a number of evidence synthesis projects, including:
- A living Cochrane systematic review and evidence gap map on Electronic Cigarettes for Smoking Cessation
- A systematic review and evidence gap map on e-cigarette use and subsequent cigarette smoking in young people
- A living systematic review and evidence gap map on interventions for vaping cessation
Recent publications
Conde M. et al, (2024), Addiction
Lindson N. et al, (2024), The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 1
Haffner SJP. et al, (2024), Clinical Obesity
Hartmann-Boyce J. et al, (2024), Preventive Medicine
Albury C. et al, (2023), Journal of Travel Medicine, 30
Butler AR. et al, (2023), Preventive Medicine, 167