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The Senior Management Committee were asked to reinstate their commitment to PDRs and share why they believe they are important.

Photo of Stavros Petrou

Why do you think PDRs are important?

PDRs provide a helpful channel for agreeing work objectives for the coming year, and for ensuring that the appraiser and appraisee are clear and transparent about those objectives. PDRs are also important because: (i) they offer an opportunity to discuss academic performance over the past year, and to celebrate academic achievements: (ii) they provide a safe space for discussing additional training and development needs and broader support that is required; and (iii) they help the appraisee to map out medium to longer term career development goals and articulate how they might be achieved.


What benefits has it offered to you?     

My previous PDRs at the University of Warwick helped me to focus on key strategic objectives for the coming year. As a senior health economist, one can easily get involved in a large number of research and teaching activities. My PDRs helped me to focus on a limited number of goals that could strengthen my reputation as an innovator that enhances the broader discipline.


How do you believe it will benefit members of your group?       

PDRs should help members of the research group to clarify with their line managers their work objectives for the 2020-21 academic year, to receive feedback from their line managers on their academic performance and progress over the previous academic year, to celebrate achievements such as the publication of high impact papers or the award of research grants, to identify additional support that can be provided by the department and, perhaps most importantly, to articulate plans for career development over the medium to longer term.


For further details and resources on PDRs visit:

Opinions expressed are those of the author/s and not of the University of Oxford. Readers' comments will be moderated - see our guidelines for further information.

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