Applying for a parking permit
Staff in both RPC and Gibson are eligible to apply for a Central Peak Permit for 2017/18 Regrettably it is highly unlikely that everybody who applies will receive a permit although we will of course try to ensure maximum sharing across days so that we get the most out of the staff spaces we've been allocated (13 in total). All peak permit applications for Central Oxford are reviewed by the Car Parking Committee. Afterwards, you will receive an email to inform you whether or not your application has been successful.
Application form: Off peak
Application form: Peak
Please download, complete and return the relevant form and forward:
1. One soft copy application form by email to
2. One signed hard copy single sided application form to Jessy Morton (We require a signed hard copy as payroll will not accept a scanned signature). Applicants not on the University payroll must pay for their permits via the online payment system at and attach a copy of their confirmation of payment email to the application form.
A) Central peak permit form 2017/18 **
**Please put as much detail as possible into the section 'DEMONSTRATION OF NEED FOR A PARKING PERMIT' as this will help with the assessment process. See 'Assessment of applications for peak-time and site-specific permits' for more information.
B) Blue Badge Holders' should complete peak permit application form
Guidelines on Disabled Parking
C) Off-peak permit for 2017/18 -
to use any central University-controlled car park (except Ewert House) you can pay £20 to purchase an annual off-peak permit. See here for more details regarding off-peak permits.
D) Motorcycle Registration (apply online at any time throughout the year)
New permits will be valid from 1 October 2017- 30 September 2018. See University Car Parking policy and procedures for more details.
Applicants not on the University payroll must pay for their permits via the online payment system at and attach a copy of their confirmation of payment email to the application form. Permits will not be issued unless the accompanying confirmation is attached to the application
The following notice regarding revised charges for permits will be published in the 26 May 2016 issue of the University Gazette.
Car parking: revised charges
Council has agreed to introduce revised charges for permits to park on University land. This notice reports the changes approved and summarises the process by which the recommendations were devised and refined prior to their referral to Council.
Car parking: revised charges
Council has agreed to introduce revised charges for permits to park on University land. This notice reports the changes approved and summarises the process by which the recommendations were devised and refined prior to their referral to Council.
Revised parking charges
(a) Peak permits valid in central Oxford or at the Old Road Campus
With effect from 1 October 2017, the annual charge shall be equivalent to 1.5% of the permit holder's gross contractual salary;
With effect from 1 October 2018, the annual charge shall be equivalent to 1.75% of the permit holder's gross contractual salary.
(b) Other permits and charges
Charges for permits valid at Osney Mead remain unchanged at 0.2% of the permit holder’s gross contractual salary;
Charges for permits valid at the Begbroke Science Park, Ewert House and for off-peak permits remain unchanged at £20 pa;
An administrative fee of £5 will continue to apply for the reissue of a lost permit.
Charges for permits to park on University land were first introduced in 2002. They are generally reviewed on a triennial basis. Changes were previously made in 2005, 2008 and 2012. Initial recommendations, formed by the Car Parking Working Group (CPWG), were scrutinised by the Buildings and Estates Subcommittee (BESC) of Council's Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (PRAC) in June 2015 and then referred to the Personnel Committee for consideration. Personnel Committee, in turn, referred the recommendations to its Joint Committee with University Support Staff and its Joint Consultative Committee with the UCU before considering the matter itself in Michaelmas Term 2015. In February 2016 PRAC approved the revised car parking charges subject to a re-examination of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) analysis by the Advocate for Diversity & Pro Vice-Chancellor and the Equality and Diversity Unit. This was duly undertaken in May 2016 before onward referral to Council.
Justification for Policy Change
The University has limited parking provision which is under high pressure to meet operational and staff commuting needs. The policies control access to parking and prioritise the allocation of permits according to caring responsibilities, mobility and operational needs.
A charge of 1% of salary is currently levied both to reduce demand for parking and to incentivise staff to commute by sustainable, non-car modes. To be effective in managing demand, the charge needs to be equivalent to the cost of using the park & ride, the main alternative to driving for staff who do not qualify for a parking permit and who live beyond walking and cycling distance. Currently the average annual cost paid by full-time staff for a Central and Old Road Campus peak permit is £445, substantially less than the current cost of £706.50 to use the park & ride. The policy proposes to increase the charge to 1.75% of salary by 2018 to equalise the average cost of a parking permit with the park & ride. The policy is not designed as a revenue-raising tool.”
Further details are available at
1 October 2017- 30 September 2018