Associate Professor Title 2024
Title of Associate Professor
Application for the title of Associate Professor
Please refer to the Associate Professor principles document and use this application form. (Note these documents have been updated this year so do not use forms from previous years).
Applications should be sent to Clare Wickings by noon on Tuesday 23 January 2024.
Please include a reference from your group lead/line manager or other senior academic, on behalf of the Head of Department. Please note the 12 page limit on the application form. This includes the form, CV, research publications/outputs and any covering letter you want to include. Additional to that 12 page document are statements of support/references and, if applicable, statement of changes since last application and personal circumstances statement.
A departmental panel will meet to review applications and to recommend applications for nomination by the Head of Department. External references and supporting statement from the Head of Department will be obtained after the panel has met.
Further information is available on the MSD website.