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Dr Hannah Forde

Dr Hannah Forde

Hannah Forde


Senior Researcher

Hannah is a Senior Researcher in the Sustainable Healthy Food Group, which is part of the Health Behaviours Team. Her research focusses on ways to make the commercial food system healthier, fairer, and more environmentally sustainable, and she has particular interest in the design and application of national policies and deliberative food governance.

Hannah's current research includes work on the COPPER project (using deliberative methods to design food subsidy and tax scenarios with the public and policymakers), and on the SHIFT project (developing a toolkit for delivering a 30% reduction in meat consumption in the UK by 2032). Hannah also lectures on the Human Sciences Food Systems, Health, and Environment course.

Hannah holds an undergraduate degree in Economics and Statistics from the University of St Andrews, a Master’s degree in Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health from the University of Bristol, and PhD in Epidemiology from the MRC Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge. During her PhD, Hannah completed an internship at the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Hannah would be delighted to hear from researchers interested in collaborating and prospective DPhil students.