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Jackie Walumbe

DPhil, MSc Global Public Health, MSc Pain, BSc

Honorary Research Fellow

  • Physiotherapist

My DPhil research project is focussed on self-management of chronic pain, particularly in people who do not have ongoing contact or access with specialist pain services. This is a qualitative study, using mixed methods supervised by Dr Sara Shaw, Professor Deborah Swinglehurst (QMUL) and Professor Alan Silman (NDORMS). 

The focus is on finding out: 

  1. how patients are coping without the support of a specialist service and what they do to help themselves;
  2. how health professionals do (or perhaps don’t) support patients who drop out or who are not able to attend pain management programmes; and
  3. what is happening to support self-management for people with chronic pain in policy.

I am funded by a HEE/NIHR Clinical Doctoral Fellowship award. My clinical time is spent working as an advanced practice physiotherapist in pain management.

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