Research groups
NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre
Patients, Citizens & the Politics of Evidence
MSc in Translational Health Sciences (Tutor)
Mixed Methods in Health Research
MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care (Tutor)
Joanna Crocker
MBiochem (Oxon), PhD
Senior Researcher
- Part-time Senior Researcher in PPIE, Oxford Biomedical Research Centre
- Oxford Policy Engagement Network (OPEN) Fellow
My research focuses on patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE). I also have a particular interest in mixed methods (combining qualitative and quantitative research), stakeholder engagement, and secondary data analysis.
I am currently leading a participatory evaluation of the Oxford BRC's Diversity in Research public involvement programme, and hold an OPEN Fellowship to support the development of the Oxfordshire Community Research Network.
I recently led a project to map and analyse research priorities identified by James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships (patients, carers and clinicians) across the UK and internationally. As part of this project we identified cross-cutting themes and developed an interactive tool to help users explore these.
Previously, I led a systematic review of the impact of PPI on recruitment and retention of participants in clinical trials, and the PIRRIST project, which developed a tool to enhance PPI and patient participation in surgical trials. I also conducted a mixed methods study evaluating a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership, and a qualitative study of PPI contributors’ views on the value and impact of PPI in research – part of the HEXI project about PPI in research. I also contributed to the METHODICAL study, which generated research priorities for PPI in clinical trials.
I am involved in teaching for the MSc in Translational Health Sciences, the MSc in Evidence Based Health Care and DPhil supervision.
Prior to joining the department, I completed a Masters in Biochemistry at the University of Oxford and a PhD in Primary Care at Cardiff University, and carried out post-doctoral research at the UCL Institute of Child Health.
Recent publications
Journal article
Crocker JC. et al, (2024), Health Expectations, 27
Journal article
LaPlante A. et al, (2021), Systematic Reviews, 10
Journal article
Cook JA. et al, (2021), Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7
Journal article
Treadwell J. et al, (2021), British Journal of General Practice, 71, E660 - E667
Journal article
Cook JA. et al, (2021), Health Technol Assess, 25, 1 - 138