Welcome from the Head of Department
Dear Colleagues
On behalf of our Departmental Strategy Committee and Senior Academic Committee, I’m delighted to welcome you to our Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. Thank you for choosing to join us as we seek to transform the ways in which healthcare is delivered and promote the health and well-being of people and families locally, nationally and globally. We look forward to learning from you and working with you as we strive to bring safe, high quality and sustainable primary health care to all parts of the world.
Our mission is critically dependant on attracting the foremost minds on the planet, and training and supporting our staff as they seek to make outstanding contributions to education, research and evidence-informed advocacy – particularly for those who are most disadvantaged in society. You are joining a truly world-class groups of multidisciplinary scholars and our excellent professional services staff who play a vital role in ensuring the smooth and efficient running of our large and ambitious Department.
We believe that our staff will be most effective when they can bring their authentic selves to work and achieve happy work-life synergies. We’ve made considerable progress in this respect under the guidance and leadership of our People and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee and our staff-led Better Workplace and Equality and Diversity Groups and we were delighted that this was recently recognised with the University’s first Athena Swan Gold award. Whilst this is an important achievement, we recognise that there is still much to be done to ensure that we do as much as we can to promote the creation of an inclusive, respectful and flexible working environment. Any suggestions you have as to how we can improve in this or any other respect will, I hope, always be welcome.
There’s so much going on across our fabulous Department, Division and University, and the city more generally, that we hope to offer the opportunity for you to grow intellectually, culturally and socially, so please do contribute to and make the most of the many opportunities that will come your way.
Finally, we pride ourselves on providing an enabling environment where we hope you will flourish. If there is anything that I or any of our leadership team can do to support you at any point, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am happy to meet with colleagues and students so please contact Lucy Curtin to arrange.
With all best wishes,
Professor Sir Aziz Sheikh,
Head of Department, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences