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We lead multidisciplinary applied research and training to rethink the way health care is delivered in general practice and across the community.
NDPCHS Undergraduate Career Pathways: Exploring opportunities in academic primary care, research and medicine
Priya Sarma, a 1st Year Graduate-Entry Medicine student, offers a peek behind the curtain of the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences' Career Pathways event. She shares her experience, highlighting the diverse career pathways in academic primary care, as well as the research opportunities and practical advice gained during the event.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science by Dr Sophie Roberts: ‘never let go of your dream’.
To mark International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Dr Sophie Roberts, a graduate medical student who spent time working in the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences during her course, shares her experience of studying science at school, completing a PhD in molecular biology and joining the graduate medicine course at the University of Oxford.
Undergraduate Oxford Medical Students are awarded the Elizabeth Brown Prize for the best scientific presentation at the 2023 British Geriatrics Society
Rebecca Smith and Georgina Miles presented the preliminary research findings of their systematic review on the representativeness of UK trials on lifestyle interventions for diabetes mellitus at the British Geriatrics Society 2023 Autumn Meeting on 24 November in Birmingham.
How consultation can change practice for the new generation of GPs
Fourth-year medical student, Martha Hughes was recently awarded the Society for Academic Primary Care's Student Prize for her essay "A Primary Care Consultation that Changed My Approach." Her essay shares reflections on pivotal experiences in the pilot patient-doctor course organised by the Primary Care Teaching Group.
Retracted publications on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2: transparency in research
Final-year medical students, Ibrahim and Alicia, share details of their Special Studies Module (SSM) project; carried out alongside Dr. David Nunan at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.
Sixth year primary care medical students share details of their project focusing on identifying research irregularities for systematic reviews
Sixth year primary care medical students Sarah Peters and Archie Lodge joined the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine for a three-week period as part of a special study module to improve their knowledge of evidence-based medicine. In this blog, they discuss their project, focusing on evaluating available techniques to identify research irregularities that require further scrutiny and the role they play when conducting systematic reviews.
Sixth year medical student, Ben, shares details of upcoming project, focusing on critically appraising tools used to influence clinical decision-making
Sixth year primary care medical student, Ben, will be joining the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine for a three-week period as part of his special study module (SSM), to pursue his interests in meta-analysis and interventions.
Sixth year medical student, Charlotte, shares evidence-based project as part of the special studies module (SSM)
Sixth year primary care medical student, Charlotte, joined the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine for a three-week period as part of her special study module, to improve her knowledge of evidence-based medicine. In this blog, Charlotte discusses her project, focusing on evaluating the reporting of medication adherence to pharmacological interventions in coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) related randomized control trials (RCTs).
The student voice: Medical Student Ioan Baxter share 3rd-year research project
Ioan Baxter, a 3rd-year medical student, at Worcester College, writes this blog, detailing his research project, as part of the Final Honours Scheme Research Projects Programme, completed under the supervision of Dr. David Nunan of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.
Dr Flu: The Shoe Must Go On!
Meirian Evans is a 5th year medical student and the producer of Tingewick 2021. Here, she throws light on the glorious, sequined world of Oxford medical students’ annual show.
Preventing deaths from cardiovascular disease and anticoagulants: an analysis of coroner Prevention of Future Deaths reports (PFDs) questions whether lessons are being learnt
Preventing premature death is the aim of coroners’ Prevention of Future Deaths reports. But is this system really helping us to prevent such harms? Oxford medical student, Ali Anis, examined deaths involving cardiovascular disease and anticoagulants for his Final Honours Scheme (FHS) research, to assess the state of play, now published in BJGP Open.
The student voice - Undergraduate experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic
When the Clinical School was forced to close its doors in March, medical students seized the opportunity to support Oxford’s effort to combat the pandemic. They volunteered in a huge variety of settings, from the university’s vaccine trial to local GP practices. Here’s what some of them have been up to…