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Wellbeing Champions

Considering others

Equality Diversity and Inclusion calendar is a good way to be aware of key dates, awareness raising days and events which are happening and may be important to your colleagues.

Bereavement Notification when someone has died you may need to notify organisations. This document gives suggestions of who you may wish to contact. 


HeadSpace Meditation App 

Calm Meditation App

Waking Up with Sam Harris

Relaxation Sleep and Relaxation Melodic Sounds 

Be Mindful Course - Oxford Mindfulness Centre

Join Ushma Galal and colleagues for a weekly meditation at 12 every Wednesday.

The wellbeing group recommends being creative - start a journal, read a book, write, draw, paint, and move. 

Stay Connected

Disabled Staff Network 

Open to all staff with a mental health condition, specific learning difficulty, sensory impairment, chronic illness, mobility impairment and/or other long-term condition.

LGBT+ staff network

BME staff network

Oxford Research Staff Society

Create a Microsoft Teams Group to chat with colleagues and hold a coffee morning or use Zoom or Skype to have virtual dinner with friends and family or simply create a WhatsApp Group to stay in touch.