Wellbeing in the Department
The Wellbeing of Staff and Students in the department is of upmost importance. As a department, we pride ourselves on being a caring, friendly and supportive place to work and do not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment.
Wellbeing: Thriving at Oxford
Thriving at Oxford, Oxford's Wellbeing Programme, has launched and dedicated webpages are live on the Staff Gateway. The programme has been developed to support you to feel and perform at your best as part of the University community
Wellbeing Champions
To the right, you will see a list of our Wellbeing Champions. Their role is to raise awareness around health and wellbeing within our teams and signpost to resources and support services around all six domains of wellbeing: health, work, values and principles, social growth, personal growth and financial wellbeing.
Are you interested in becoming a Wellbeing Champion for the department? You can find further information here or speak to one of our existing champions.
Wellbeing Champions
Supporting your Wellbeing
We understand that work can have an impact on our wellbeing so this page is here to support you. Below you'll find a list of contacts you can reach out to if you are in need of some extra support and a number of resources which may be useful. On the right are a list of events taking place in the department to promote our health and wellbeing.
Let's talk
Togetherall online peer-peer support community
Bullying and Harassment Advisors
Catherine Pope is the department's Associate Head for People, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Health Assured employee assistance programme (confidential and free for university employees, their partners and dependents)
Oxford University Sport have a range of activities and memberships subsidised for staff and students
Read more tips from January's Wellbeing Wednesday Newsletter
Considering others
Equality Diversity and Inclusion calendar is a good way to be aware of key dates, awareness raising days and events which are happening and may be important to your colleagues.
Bereavement Notification when someone has died you may need to notify organisations. This document gives suggestions of who you may wish to contact.
Relaxation Sleep and Relaxation Melodic Sounds
Be Mindful Course - Oxford Mindfulness Centre
Join Ushma Galal and colleagues for a weekly meditation at 12 every Wednesday.
The wellbeing group recommends being creative - start a journal, read a book, write, draw, paint, and move.
Stay Connected
Open to all staff with a mental health condition, specific learning difficulty, sensory impairment, chronic illness, mobility impairment and/or other long-term condition.
Create a Microsoft Teams Group to chat with colleagues and hold a coffee morning or use Zoom or Skype to have virtual dinner with friends and family or simply create a WhatsApp Group to stay in touch.
Have a suggestion to share?
The University has put together even more resources and suggestions here.
More information on the Better Workplace Initiative here or contact Jessy Morton.