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Postdoc researcher 

Marieke Perry completed her study of Medicine at the Radboud University

Nijmegen in 2002. In 2006, she finished her general practitioner vocational training. Next, she started a research project at the Radboudumc Geriatric Department. The thesis resulting from this project “Development and evaluation of a Dementia Training Programme for Primary Care” was defended in 2011 and awarded twice.

Since 2006, Marieke enjoyed working as a general practitioner in Zevenaar. At the Geriatric Department she was involved as a postdoc researcher in two projects. In the first project, a two-step elderly screening for frailty in primary care was developed and validated. The second project investigated the implementation and the effects of a digital conference table for frail older patients and their (primary) healthcare professionals. She significantly contributed to the revision of the Dutch Dementia Guideline of the College of Dutch General Practitioners, which was published in 2012.

Since January 2014, Marieke works as a postdoc researcher on a project called DementiaNet that aims to improve integrated primary care for patients with dementia and their informal caregivers. Strategies used are clinical leadership, interprofessional education and quality improvement methods. As co-PI, she is involved in Decidem, an implementation trial that evaluates the effects of advance care planning and shared decision making for dementia patients in primary care. At the department of Primary and Community Care, she and her research team acquired several grants to increase involvement of primary care professionals in the care for older patients with cancer.