Cohort 4
July 2000: Master of Science in Medicine; August 2002: Medical Doctor; August 2004: Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology;
June 2007: General Practitioner; 1st July 2009: Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine; June 2012: Master of Science in Public Administration, Specialism: Public Administration of governmental and non-profit organizations.
From 2008 - 2011, I was employed at the Department of General Practice at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, The Netherlands as lecturer Scientific Education and manager Professional Education of the in-service training for general practitioners.
Current post:
From 1st September 2011, I am employed at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at Leiden University Medical Center in Leiden, The Netherlands. In this position, I am manager primary care networks, lecturer Scientific Education of the in-service training for general practitioners and assistant professor in research.
Further, I work as a General Practitioner in Katwijk, The Netherlands. Besides, I am advisor of the work group Primary Care Diagnostics at Health Cooperative 'Zorggroep Eerste Lijn' in Naaldwijk, member of the Council of Members of the Dutch College of General Practitioners, and member of the Supervisory Board of the Primary Health Care Foundation 'Zorg op Noord' in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Research speciality:
Prospective cohort studies of musculoskeletal complaints: Nontraumatic knee complaints in general practice; Osteoarthritis of the knee. Research to the Public Value of Primary Care in The Netherlands. Research to Innovation of Primary Care and transmural care in The Netherlands
He graduated as Medical Doctor in 1997 Summa cum Laude and was granted a Fellowship as Research-assistant of the Research Foundation-Flanders until 2002. His research focused on antibiotic prescribing for acute cough in the context of increasing antimicrobial resistance. He successfully defended a PhD thesis entitled 'Antibiotics for coughing in general practice: exploring, describing and optimising prescribing' in 2003 at the University of Antwerp and was granted a Post-doctoral Fellowship by the Research Foundation-Flanders until 2009. To date, he is (co-) author of over 200 contributions in (inter) national peer-reviewed journals and gave over 30 oral presentations at (inter) national conferences, received several prizes, e.g. the Special-prize for Excellence during Medical Studies (1997) and the Pharmacia Award for Flemish Research in General Practice (2001), funding by (inter) national bodies, e.g. the European Science Foundation (2006, 2011) and the Research Foundation-Flanders (2008), and an honorary research fellowship by Cardiff University. Up to now he has been working at the Centre for General Practice of the University of Antwerp, currently as lecturer and research leader, member of the GRACE (, ESAC ( and TRACE ( Management Team, and partner of CHAMP, APRES, TheraEDGE and SATURN, and collaborator in HAPPY AUDIT, all FP6 and FP7 projects. He is also co-editor-in-chief of Huisarts Nu the journal of Domus Medica (, chair of the BAPCOC ( Working Party responsible for the Belgian public campaign on appropriate antibiotic use, (co-)author of Domus Medica and BAPCOC guidelines, e.g. on lower respiratory tract infections in adults, and Brisbane Initiative cohort 4 member. |
I am a practicing GP in the deprived South Wales Valleys and work as a Senior Clinical Research Fellow at Cardiff University. My main research interests are common infections and antibiotic resistance, behaviour change, and skin conditions. I am currently leading an HTA funded trial of antibiotics for suspected infected eczema in children along with Prof Frank Sullivan. I am involved in studies / trials investigating the role of probiotics in preventing antibiotic associated diarrhoea in care home residents, the effectiveness of point of care testing to improve antibiotic targeting in women with suspected UTI, clinicians views about the management of COPD exacerbations, the epidemiology of skin conditions treated with antibiotics, point of care testing for lower respiratory tract infections, the epidemiology of acute diarrhoea and vomiting in children, the epidemiology of molluscum contagiosum, and antibiotic prescribing for dental problems. Planned studies include a trial of oral steroids for children with otitis media with effusion (OME), a trial of bath emollients for children with eczema and exploring the diagnosis of cellulitis in primary care. I am the theme leader for Common Infections and Antibiotic Resistance in the Cochrane Institute of Primary Care and Public Health and I sit on the executive management group for the South East Wales Trials Unit. I sit on the Medicines for Children Research Network General Paediatrics Clinical Studies Group, I am an active member of the SAPC Dermatology SIG, and I am part of a group developing materials for Antibiotic Stewardship in Primary Care toolkit and European Antibiotic Awareness Day. |
I am an academic GP and Associate Professor in General Practice and Rural Medicine at the James Cook University School of Medicine and Dentistry in Townsville, Australia, and still work 2-3 sessions per week in General Practice. I graduated MBBS from the University of Melbourne in 1993, and since then have gained a Masters of Public Health and PhD from James Cook University. I have previously served on the National Research Advisory Board of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute. My current work includes undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervision, including coordination of a Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care Research, supervising 6 doctoral level students, an Honours student and 3 Academic GP Registrars, and development of PHC research in the area of health services for underserved populations. My current research interests include Indigenous maternal and child health services, access to primary health care services for disadvantaged young people, social accountability in health professional education, innovative models of rural health service delivery, and Indigenous research capacity building. I represent JCU on THEnet, a collaboration of 8 medical schools selected from around the world with a social accountability mandate. We have designed and are testing a common evaluation framework to assess social accountability of medical education across contexts. I also practice in general practice 2-3 sessions per week. I combine a busy academic life with chaotic family life with three active young boys, Sam (13), Max (10) and Tom (6). |
In 2001 I started with a 6-year combined programme for vocational training and a PhD project. During this period I did a master in epidemiology. In 2006 I finished my vocational training and in 2008 I finished my PhD project on the prognosis of late-life depression in general practice.
At the moment I'm working as a GP in Amstelveen for 2 days a week. Amstelveen is a town to the south of Amsterdam. I work in an academic practice with three GPs, a trainee, three practice nurses and five assistants.
Next to my clinical job, I work at the department of general practice of the VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam as a postdoctoral researcher for two days a week. I'm working on a qualitative research project in which we interview GPs and mental health professionals to learn about their experiences with a collaborative care intervention for depression in general practice.
Furthermore, I'm member of the committee writing the revision of the Dutch depression guideline for general practice and I am one of the editors of 'Bijblijven', an educational series for general practitioners which is published ten times a year.
Biography: - BA Medical Science, University of Cambridge. Current post: - Research Fellow in Primary Care Epidemiology. Brighton & Sussex Medical School Research focus: As an epidemiologist specialising in social inequalities in health and psychosocial influences on health, my focus has recently shifted to the potential of using primary care electronic patient records as a research resource. My current research activity concentrates on developing skills to access and use these data for research. I am using the GPRD (a large UK-based primary care database) to examine the incidence and management of two diverse health conditions : pelvic inflammatory disease and rheumatoid arthritis. I will examine patient and practice factors associated with suboptimal management of these conditions. Because patient data are collected for clinical care rather than research, there is considerable methodological work to be done to ensure that the data can be reliably used for research. One major issue is the balance between coded data and data entered as free text. I am involved in a project funded by the Wellcome Trust (PI: Prof. J Cassell) which aims to use natural language processing techniques to access textual data that are not usually available to researchers. |
Dr Victoria Palmer has a PhD in applied ethics. Her thesis examined the concept of ethical communities and how people engaged in cooperative activities can maintain their commitments to alternative values and principles when the dominant worldview is at odds with their own. For that work she completed a narrative analysis using Hilde Nelson's counterstories and master narrative theory. Victoria is a qualitative researcher within the mental health program at the Primary Care Research Unit, Department of General Practice at The University of Melbourne, Australia. She joined the PCRU in 2007 to work on the re-order study: re-organising care for depression and related disorders in the Australian Primary Health Care Setting. During that time she participated in a narrative review and synthesis of the place of generalism in the 2020 Primary Care Team. With research specialty in narrative analysis, she is also interested in theories of embodiment, identity and how individual illness and disorder disrupts communal belonging. She has a special interest in anxiety and panic disorders and the application of philosophical and ethical theories to practice problems in primary care. Victoria has previously worked in local government, as a case worker in domestic and family violence, disability support including teaching in the higher education sector. She holds two grants: to develop a pilot intervention that can improve community coordination, access and networks (I-CCAaN) for primary care for people with co-existing chronic physical illnesses and depression; and to explore 'arranging generalism' as a philosophy of primary medical care. |
Amanda Terry, PhD (Epidemiology) is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Studies in Family Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, and the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, Canada. She is a health services researcher focusing on primary health care, electronic medical records, and health policy. Her current research in primary health care focuses on understanding issues in electronic medical record adoption among primary health care practitioners, in developing approaches to measuring electronic medical record data quality, and in exploring ways to enhance the value of the electronic medical records in primary health care practice. Other areas of focus include work to enhance the connection among primary health care electronic medical record stakeholders in Canada, and to build research capacity in this area. She is involved in the teaching and supervision of graduate students in the Department of Family Medicine, and as a mentor with an inter-disciplinary research training program called Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research - Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC) at Western University. Her work also includes a role as a Scientist with the System Integration and Innovation Research Network, which is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in the Province of Ontario. Prior to completing her PhD and joining the Centre for Studies in Family Medicine, she worked in Ontario's former District Health Council system for ten years, conducting health system planning initiatives. |