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sudeh cheraghi-sohi.jpeg

Research Fellow

I have worked on a number of projects as a Health Services Researcher. Initially I was employed as a Research Assistant on a two-year project looking at patient-centred care. I then undertook an MRes followed by my PhD which I completed whilst working full-time as a Research Associate on the project from which my PhD data was derived. My thesis looked at the introduction of the Quality and Outcomes Framework into UK general practice and its impact on GP work. I then conducted work on the self-management of multimorbid patients before taking up my current post as a Research Fellow within the Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre.

The work I currently lead upon focuses on the issue of diagnosis. Diagnostic errors are thought to be common within primary care settings. Whilst there is evidence that this is the case in other countries, no study to date has provided a reliable estimate of the diagnostic error rate in UK general practice. I am leading a team utilising case note review methods in order to provide such an estimate. In addition to this piece of work, I am conducting related projects which seek to evaluate the utility of differential diagnostic generators as well as develop and provide training for clinicians to manage diagnostic uncertainty.