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Research groups
Laiba Husain
Bachelor's in Biopsychology, Cognition and Neuroscience (BSc Honours) / Master's in Public Health (MPH)
DPhil Student
- I am a DPhil student under the supervision of Dr. Trisha Greenhalgh, Dr. Joseph Wherton, Dr. Gemma Hughes and Dr. Teresa Finlay, funded by the University of Cambridge THIS Institute Fellowship.
- The focus of my project is scaling up the use of remote video consultations for COVID-19 and more specifically addressing barriers of equity and patient acceptance. This ties in with my on-going work on the Remote by Default Study which explores the benefits, limitations, and opportunities of the shift to remote care.
- My wider interests include interdisciplinary and participatory approaches to research, social & health inequalities and empowerment of marginalised groups.
- I have previously graduated with a Master’s in Public Health from the University of Birmingham as a Fulbright Scholar. I completed my undergraduate degree in Biopyshcology, Cognition and Neuroscience from the University of Michigan, USA.
Recent publications
Optimising Multi-stakeholder Practices in Patient Engagement: A Gap Analysis to Enable Focused Evolution of Patient Engagement in the Development and Lifecycle Management of Medicines.
Journal article
Faulkner SD. et al, (2021), Ther Innov Regul Sci
Predicting risk of hospital admission in patients with suspected COVID-19 in a community setting: Protocol for development and validation of a multivariate risk prediction tool
Journal article
Espinosa-Gonzalez AB. et al, (2021), JMIR Research Protocols, 10
Erratum: Developing services for long COVID: lessons from a study of wounded healers
Journal article
Ladds E. et al, (2021), Clinical medicine (London, England), 21
Developing services for long COVID: lessons from a study of wounded healers
Journal article
Ladds E. et al, (2021), Clinical medicine (London, England), 21, 59 - 65
Persistent symptoms after Covid-19: qualitative study of 114 “long Covid” patients and draft quality principles for services
Journal article
Ladds E. et al, (2020), BMC Health Services Research, 20