Early and Mid-career Researchers
The early & mid-career researchers (EMCR) group is open to everyone in the department. Most EMCRs are grade 6-8 and in an academic or research related role. The group meets several times a year to discuss topics of importance, hold Q&A with senior staff, access development and training opportunities as well as meet socially!
Date | Event | Time | Location |
1st of February | Seminar: Demystifying the ethics process | 9:30-11:00 | St Luke's Chapel |
19th of March | Workshop: Grant writing - aka how to ask for money | 9:30-16:00 | Humanities Seminar Room |
Useful Resources
- Department A-Z of policies of particular interest to EMCRs may be the Open Ended Contracts, Staff Training Policy and Bridging Funding
- Personal Development Reviews including a list of Grade Descriptions
- Opportunities to join Departmental working groups e.g. Read more about the opportunity to join the MSD EDI Steering Group
- Career development opportunities
- Support for securing funding: Grants and funding section of the intranet.
- Support for wellbeing
- Researcher Hub
The Hub team website has many useful resources for you. Find out more about your research staff representative, the Concordat to Support Career Development for Researchers, college association opportunities and more.
EMCR Taskforce
The EMCR Taskforce was convened in 2022 to produce a discrete, time limited piece of work, in recognition that career progression for EMCRs within NDPCHS has arisen as an area requiring attention through a number of different sources.
The report provided: a survey of EMCR needs, a review of relevant documents including those at the university, department, and division level, funder policies, and successful Athena Swan gold applications; and a list of proposed actions.
The response to the report was shared with the EMCR Group in a meeting in September 2023 and can be viewed here.
Athena Swan – EMCR Priorities
Gold application and action plan in full can be found here: https://www.phc.ox.ac.uk/files/about/athena-swan-gold-application-2023
Other relevant groups
Oxford Research Staff Society - www.ox.ac.uk/oxrss
Early career qualitative health researcher network - join their newsletter mailing list here.
To be added to the mailing list email emcr@phc.ox.ac.uk
Lauren Bandy
Deputy Chair
EMCR Training & Development lead
EMCR Department Advocate on the MSD Research Staff Forum
Lead for DPhil group
Kiana Collins
DPhil Student
RA representatives
Alice O'Hagan
Research Assistant