Search results
Found 19492 matches for
Nicola Pidduck
Nicola Pidduck - Personal Assistant to Professor Rafael Perera, Programme Manager: CoMPuTE NIHR Programme Grant
Nicholas DeVito
MPH, DPhil Nicholas DeVito - Postdoctoral Researcher
Sue Ziebland
Sue Ziebland - Professor of Medical Sociology and Co-Director of MS&HERG
Rafael Perera
DPhil MSc MA Rafael Perera - Director Medical Statistics and Director of Graduate Studies
Joanna Crocker
MBiochem (Oxon), PhD Joanna Crocker - Senior Researcher
Kate Corfield
BA (Hons) Kate Corfield - Assistant Clinical Trial Manager
Catia Nicodemo
Catia Nicodemo - Associate Professor in Health Economics
Chrysanthi Papoutsi
BSc (Hons), MSc, DPhil (Oxon), FHEA Chrysanthi Papoutsi - Associate Professor
Jacqueline Belcher
Jacqueline Belcher - Finance and Teaching Administration Officer
Jared Robinson
BSc (Hons) Jared Robinson - Senior Trial Manager
Alexander Finlayson
BMedSci (hons) MBBS (hons) MRCP MRCGP Alexander Finlayson
Helen Ashdown
BM BCh (Oxon) MA (Cantab) MRCP MRCGP DCH PGDip (Health Research) DPhil (Oxon) Helen Ashdown - NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Primary Care
Caitlin Pilbeam
BA (Hons), MSc, DPhil (Oxon) Caitlin Pilbeam - Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Tutor in Qualitative Research Methods
Oliver Van Hecke
MBChB (Pret) FRCGP FRACGP DPhil Oliver Van Hecke - Senior Clinical Research Fellow
David Nunan
BSc MSc PhD David Nunan - Senior Researcher and Educator in Evidence-Based Health Care
Thomas Fanshawe
MPhil MA PhD Thomas Fanshawe - Senior Medical Statistician