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Spending by the National Health Service continues to rise. To continue to offer safe and effective health care, we need to find ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Children make up one-fifth of the UK population and 10% of the general practice workload. If we can find ways to improve efficiency in paediatric care, everyone could benefit, most of all children and their parents.
Nicola Pidduck
Nicola Pidduck - Personal Assistant to Professor Rafael Perera, Programme Manager: CoMPuTE NIHR Programme Grant
Nicholas DeVito
MPH, DPhil Nicholas DeVito - Postdoctoral Researcher
Sue Ziebland
Sue Ziebland - Professor of Medical Sociology and Co-Director of MS&HERG
Rafael Perera
DPhil MSc MA Rafael Perera - Director Medical Statistics and Director of Graduate Studies
Joanna Crocker
MBiochem (Oxon), PhD Joanna Crocker - Senior Researcher
Kate Corfield
BA (Hons) Kate Corfield - Assistant Clinical Trial Manager
Catia Nicodemo
Catia Nicodemo - Associate Professor in Health Economics
Chrysanthi Papoutsi
BSc (Hons), MSc, DPhil (Oxon), FHEA Chrysanthi Papoutsi - Associate Professor
Jacqueline Belcher
Jacqueline Belcher - Finance and Teaching Administration Officer
Jared Robinson
BSc (Hons) Jared Robinson - Senior Trial Manager
Alexander Finlayson
BMedSci (hons) MBBS (hons) MRCP MRCGP Alexander Finlayson
Helen Ashdown
BM BCh (Oxon) MA (Cantab) MRCP MRCGP DCH PGDip (Health Research) DPhil (Oxon) Helen Ashdown - NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Primary Care
Caitlin Pilbeam
BA (Hons), MSc, DPhil (Oxon) Caitlin Pilbeam - Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Tutor in Qualitative Research Methods
Oliver Van Hecke
MBChB (Pret) FRCGP FRACGP DPhil Oliver Van Hecke - Senior Clinical Research Fellow
David Nunan
BSc MSc PhD David Nunan - Senior Researcher and Educator in Evidence-Based Health Care
Thomas Fanshawe
MPhil MA PhD Thomas Fanshawe - Senior Medical Statistician