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Ioan Baxter, a 3rd-year medical student, at Worcester College, writes this blog, detailing his research project, as part of the Final Honours Scheme Research Projects Programme, completed under the supervision of Dr. David Nunan of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.
Rafael Perera
DPhil MSc MA Rafael Perera - Director Medical Statistics and Director of Graduate Studies
Maria Vazquez Montes
BSc, MSc, PhD Maria Vazquez Montes - Senior Statistician
Rachna Begh
PhD, MRes, BSc Rachna Begh - Deputy Course Director, MSc Translational Health Sciences & University Research Lecturer
Johanna Cook
Johanna Cook - Senior Trial Manager
Muir Gray
CBE, FRCPSGlas, FCLIP Muir Gray - Honorary Clinical Researcher
Charlotte Albury
BA, MSc, FHEA, PGCert, D.Phil Charlotte Albury - Associate Professor
Eleanor Temple
Eleanor Temple - Medical Statistician
Elizabeth Woolliams
Elizabeth Woolliams - MS&HERG Personal Assistant & Admin Assistant
Richard McManus
MA PhD MBBS FRCGP FRCP Richard McManus - Honorary Professor of Primary Care
Carl Heneghan
BM, BCH, MA, MRCGP, DPhil Carl Heneghan - Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine
Thomas Fanshawe
MPhil MA PhD Thomas Fanshawe - Senior Medical Statistician
Laura Armitage
MB BCh MRCGP Laura Armitage - Wellcome Trust Doctoral Research Fellow
Alison Chisholm
MA, MSc, PhD Alison Chisholm - Qualitative Researcher and British Academy Innovation Fellow
Alexander Finlayson
BMedSci (hons) MBBS (hons) MRCP MRCGP Alexander Finlayson
Claire Friedemann Smith
MSc, DPhil Claire Friedemann Smith - Senior Researcher
Richard Croker
BSc MSc Richard Croker - Honorary Research Fellow
Angela Martin
Angela Martin - MS&HERG Operations Manager
Sarah Tonkin-Crine
Sarah Tonkin-Crine - Associate Professor & Health Psychologist